Monday, March 23, 2009

Random Magnificience

I have never been a real blogger nor had a good english to try it all. But yes, I have my words on something I have been thinking over and over.

What at all is life on earth, where earth can be one of the minutest of the particles on the vast collection termed universe.

To start with, I will brief what kind of person I am, before indulging more into my topic. Unlike most of us, I don't have any belief in the concept of creator for all beings, neither on the cultural boundaries governing life, which keeps itself evolving with time, what considered a sin today can be a matter of truth tomorrow.

Talking in mathematical terms, if I were to normalize time frame, .. in other words..
let me say I have an event as a function of time f(t) where t can range from the time the so called universe could had come into existense to time undefined, means t doesn't precisely range from -infinite to +infinite, but of course to a level which could be out of our thought process.

Say I shift all the events f(t-x) to +x and average over a given t = c, where c could mean the present era, where does the culture, good and evil or cultureless exist, just give a thought if I have a man from 1800 bc considering something as a sin and another man from 2000 bc considering the same to be thing of joy, and if they were made to live in harmony with each other, I think culture/good/sin etc can become meaningless.